A School of Higher Learning
Our courses will teach you a wealth of knowledge in the art and science of true healing. Enjoy the world of True Naturopathy!
Learn the Essentials of True Healing
Our Courses Teach You Original Naturopathy—Everything You'll Need to Stay Empowered
A School of
Higher Learning
Our courses teach you all the sciences of nature. This is called Naturopathy. We offer everything you'll need to stay knowledgable.

Dr. Morse's Schools Presents
The International School
of the Healing Arts

Courses based on truth. Learn why health, self awareness and being sovereign are the keys to unlock your absolute freedom.

Learn the true sciences of nature and apply those skills to earn a living helping people heal and change their lives.

Earn credits towards our school doctorate degree in the healing arts of Naturopathy.
We Instill the Powerful Art and Science of Healing Into Language YOU Can Apply
We Instill the Powerful Art and Science of Healing Into Language YOU Can Apply

Learn from a Pioneer in the Healing Field—the Truth about Why Humans Suffer
Robert Morse, N.D. gives you the skills and wisdom you need to take your personal health care into your own hands and rejuvenating yourself by using some of nature's greatest tools, the botanicals.

Learn How to Read the Body and Take Action
Become familiar with the human body and learn how to tackle advanced health problems effectively. As a holistic health practitoner, you can incorporate this newfound expertise into your practice or start your own.

Understand the Power of Fruits, Berries and Melons
Discover how Dr. Morse for decades has helped people all over the world overcome a wide spectrum of mild, chronic and degenerative cases. Especially the regeneration of nerve tissue using a fruit-predominant approach to diet.

Level Up the Healing Process with Tissue-Specific Herbs
Herbs are nature’s most powerful, natural healers, detoxifiers and regenerators of the human body. Used correctly, they can enhance, strengthen and normalize functioning of organs and endocrine glands, or as a tool for increasing lymph flow, healing wounds, removing parasites, and more.

Become a Certified Detoxification Specialist
Dreaming of becoming a full-time practitioner? Our certification training gives you the foundation and know-how you need to begin helping others as a service.

Eyes Reveal More than Meets the Eye
Our iridology training equips you to read the signs and patterns of the iris, allowing you a deeper insight into the body's physical condition. Dr. Morse has introduced to this planet lymphatic iridology, one of the greatest tools to understanding human suffering.
Join Thousands of Students
Who Made the Leap
and Completed Our Training

Become a Detoxification Specialist and Broaden Your Expertise by Learning New Healing Modalities

Self-Paced Online Courses at Your Leisure
Don’t worry about time constraints and deadlines, once enrolled in our courses, you’ll always have access to the learning material—so take your time (and take notes, too!).

Earn Course Certifications
You’ll receive a certificate for each completed course, some of which will later qualify as credits towards our full naturopathic degree program.

Be Part of a Phenomenal Community
When you join the International School of the Healing Arts, you’re joining a wonderful, supportive and caring community filled with incredible healing experiences.
Some of the Powerful Nuggets You'll Learn

Food and Nutrition
Learn how different foods affect health and how to apply this knowledge to the healing process

Using Herbs
How to use various herbal blends to promote cellular detoxification and regeneration

Reading the Body
How to decipher the body's symptoms and vital signs and connect the dots

Reading the Eyes
How to apply the science of iridology for a complementary diagnosis

Practitioner's Etiquette
How to skillfully guide a client through the detoxification and healing process

No More Mystery
Feel confident in your ability to inspire healing within yourself and others
Amazing Love from Some of Our Students