Practitioner Successes

Practitioner: Eric Sanchez /

Below is a testimonial from a patient of mine who was dealing with chronic HSV-2 outbreaks.

She had come to me after years of eating the Standard American Diet. As you can imagine, her health was not doing well.

But after working with her for some time via regenerative detoxification, the right herbal protocols, and healing her glandular compromises, we ultimately got her to test negative for the HSV viral load. She did an absolutely amazing job.

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After having shown symptoms, I decided to test for an STD. I got results that I was positive for HSV-2 and was devastated.

I could not stop crying and felt helpless when I read every medical article say it was not curable.

I ultimately found Eric's website which amplified the fact that "no disease is incurable", and was so inspired to take action and begin his coaching. I began his protocol, and although mentally difficult, I knew I needed to do this.

I didn't come this far to only come this far. After about 11 months, Eric recommended that I take the Western Blot Test for HSV-2 which is the "gold standard". I was so emotional when it came back negative!

I am so grateful and now TRULY know there is NO incurable disease. I will be forever grateful for this journey that has brought me peace, temperament with food, a shift in mindset and trust in God's plan. Thank you Eric!!!

-A.V. - Los Angeles

Practitioner: Eric Sanchez /

Below is a testimonial from a parent who asked me to work with her 8-year-old son.

After having adverse reactions to vaccines, he had several chronic health conditions.

Her son saw a dramatic change in just 3 months of following a holistic detoxification protocol. He has only continued to become healthier ever since!

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I reached out to Eric 3 months ago on behalf of my 8 year old. His symptoms varied from terrible digestive issues, rashes, extreme mood swings, asthma, and bronchitis.

My husband and I have seen 4 different pediatricians over the last 4 years. We were extremely stressed and almost at a loss for hope. It was taking its toll on our marriage. My husband found Eric online and it took some convincing for me to trust in “holistic healing”.

I was very hesitant at first… I am so happy I took a chance. In less than 3 months my son’s mood has stabilized, his digestion drastically improved, he’s breathing normally, and he’s only having skin breakouts when his body goes into detox.

Having my son follow Eric's personalized herbal protocol has been the best thing I could’ve done for his health. The herbal tea and healing salve Eric recommended works much better than any cream the various pediatricians had prescribed us.

I also appreciated being able to text him whenever I had questions and needed some extra guidance.

My entire family is living a much more natural lifestyle now. My husband and I are both going to go on a detox soon and will be reaching out to Eric for a health assessment and personalized protocol. I am so grateful. I thank God for my husband discovering Eric. It truly changed our lives.

-Teedra W. - PA

Practitioner: Eric Sanchez /

Below is a testimonial from my patient, Sophia, who dealt with chronic SIBO & IBS-type symptoms. She was also dealing with an "incurable" (according to Big Pharma) viral load. She had tried several other approaches to healing in the past.

Some of these included quitting dairy, meditation, and taking various herbs. However, she had never taken a truly full-body holistic approach. As I mentioned to her during our first phone call, everyone has unique compromises.

Oftentimes, we need personalized and full-body approaches to healing (as opposed to trying to find a one-size-fits-all protocol). Before she knew it, she was free of each and every one of her diagnoses. I am super proud of her.

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Within 5 minutes of speaking to Eric on the phone I knew I was in good hands. He is the true definition of a healer! He is so sweet and knowledgeable. I could see right off the bat that he actually cared about the success of reversing my conditions.

I’d text him questions and he’d QUICKLY give me an in depth response and ensured that I was comfortable and knowledgeable with everything I was doing. When it comes to seeing doctors, I’ve always felt like a random number. The appointment always felt rushed.

But Eric constantly assured me that I could and WOULD heal everything I was dealing with and explained to me in detail the process my body was going through. He gave me everything I needed to keep myself focused. After 5 months on the 2 protocols he wrote for me, I am free of SIBO, migraines, and a virus I thought I’d be stuck with for the rest of my life.

My doctor was shocked at the fact that in less than a year I am free of everything he couldn’t heal for me for over 3 years. When I told him what I had done he laughed it off and said that he needed to see his next patient.

It was then that I realized "we live in a sick world".. but Eric is one of the angels doing God’s work. He knows I will be imbedded to him for the rest of my life!!

-Sophia J. - CA

Practitioner: Eric Sanchez /

Below is a testimonial from my patient Kyle who was previously diagnosed with Alopecia Areata by his PCP. This took a huge toll on his confidence as he was a fairly young man with a bright future ahead of him.

As mentioned in his testimonial, we focused on the root causes of his diagnosis. Lymphatic congestion all throughout his head region.

When doing his Iridology Analysis Report, I also saw that he had chronic compromises in his thyroid, nervous system, and liver.

We made sure to address these regions (as well as others). All of hair has since grown back and he is living a truly happy, fulfilling life today.

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I reached out to Eric after seeing him speak about once also having a mild case of alopecia. I couldn't find even one doctor who knew what the ROOT cause of my health issue was. I had a doctor tell me that “sometimes people are just unlucky and get these things”.

My primary care doctor sent me to three different dermatologists, all of which insisted on injected my head with steroids to stop the growth. When I got on the phone with Eric during my consultation he explained to me why this does not get to the root cause of the issue and actually makes the condition worse over time. He introduced me to “alkaline” and “anti-inflammatory” foods in conjunction with herbs.

I didn’t think that what you ate had all that much to do with your health at all. It’s been about 4 months since I took on Eric’s protocol and made some small lifestyle changes. My hair is growing back and I’m still in shock of how simple this has been.

After dealing with alopecia for 2 YEARS I finally understand what the issue was. I'm so grateful for having discovered Eric and for his guidance throughout my healing journey.

-Kyle O. - FL

Practitioner: Eric Sanchez /

Below my patient Cassandra describes dealing with chronic acne since her teen years. When we first started working together, we needed to transition her diet away from the processed foods she was used to eating.

Eventually, she was ready for detoxification and that is when we were able to see real results, very quickly. Today she is doing amazing, no longer deals with acne, and some of her scarring has even lessened.

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I struggled with acne since my early teens. I had tried everything under the sun (or so I thought) to get rid of it.

I’ve used so many expensive creams, laser treatments, and went to several dermatologists who always had some new cream for me to try out.

Nothing ever worked and it started taking a really bad toll on my self esteem. I took a chance with Eric and he explained to me about how my Lymphatic System was backed up which was causing my skin (which I now know is my largest eliminative organ) to do what my kidneys could not.

He explained to me in detail why my kidneys weren't functioning properly and what I could now do about it. He wrote me a personal protocol and recommended some amazing herbs which I’m not sure I’ll ever stop taking.

I still do have my acne scars from all the years prior, but other than that my skin looks great. It actually glows. I think about all the money I spent on different products and doctor visits and wonder how people can go to such prestigious colleges for years and not understand how simple it is to fix skin and other health issues. I'm inspired to now get into natural healing as well.

I feel like it is now part of my calling to help other people who are struggling with excessive acne.

-Cassandra D. - MI

Practitioner: David St. Romain

Otha came to me a month ago wanting to walk again. He hadn’t walked in 3 years since his amputation.

He didn’t know how long it would take or if it was even possible to walk again. In 2 weeks we were standing up and once I introduced him to fruit, his process sped up and by week 4 he was able to walk with his walker on his own.

Now he is able to get around without the chair and using only canes as he continues to progress.

Practitioner: David St. Romain

Charles came to me primarily with kidney stone problems. After spending many days in the hospital periodically over several years, he was finally ready for a lifestyle change.

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With my experience with this detox I can say it’s really helped me and changed the way I think about eating and drinking.

I have no problem drinking water now so my skincare is a lot better. It was hard the first two months then it came around mentally and physically.

If you have not done the detox please try it! I’m doing great now thanks to David. It fixed the kidney stone problems I was having that the doctors never tried to help me with.

I was going through surgery for 9 years, two times a year until I started with David. Now it’s no surgery. Thank God for David!


Practitioner: David St. Romain

Eric came to me about a decade ago with a list of health issues and wanting to transform his life and his physique.

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I came by David St. Romain a little over ten years ago when I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and statins. The doc said I needed to change my lifestyle or.. else.

That’s when I joined the gym, signed up for training, and asked for the biggest guy there. Once I started working with David as my trainer, I decided to step up my game and try powerlifting. Within 5 short years, I had set 2 national SPF powerlifting titles that still stand today.

During my last year of powerlifting, I decided to switch to bodybuilding after those title runs and came in 2nd place in my first bodybuilding event. Couldn’t be happier with the training.

Now that my building is somewhat behind me, I decided to get healthy after having had enough of medications, and by changing my diet to Vegan, I’m now off blood pressure, no longer have foot neuropathy, off statins and insulin.

As of June 2023, my A1C is now 6.1 down from a high of 8.0 putting me back in the pre-diabetes range. My Testosterone is up from 190 to 680.

Practitioner: Noa Gaia Lakshmi

I’d Love to share this one testimonial from a warrior woman who has been healing her body for the last few years 🙏

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In 2016 I was diagnosed with Lupus, within a year of diagnosis I was on low dose chemo, steroids daily along with 17 other pharmaceutical drugs. I was no longer able to even go outside during the day, due to my severe reaction to the sun. I was so so sick. Every doctor’s visit resulted in another drug to help mask the symptoms and provide relief and I still remained in constant pain. My life had become a story book filled with misery, inflammation and a grossly and rapidly diminishing quality of life.

I just felt like, this CANNOT be my life now. I knew if I didn’t do something to take the lead on getting to the root of my constant dis ease that I would be disabled or dead soon.

On my quest for help, I stumbled across Noa and an invitation to join a solid food vacation. The words she shared on paper spoke of regenerative health, and although I didn’t have a clue what that meant, it resonated with me.

Although terrified, I decided to embark on a 30 day solid food vacation (SFV). Everyone, including me, thought I was crazy, but I knew I had to do something different.

I have over the course of 18 months, completed three different SFV with Noa, with the most recent being a 90 day “Juicy Island” getaway! What I’ve learned has been amazing. It’s been a life altering experience for me.

I have no doubt that God led me to Noa. She has helped lead me to the true light. I’ve gained so much clarity, mindfulness and HEALING!

After my very first SFV, I was able to get off of ALL of the 17 medications that I took daily. With her coaching, I have learned about all the harmful things and toxins that I had been exposing my body to my entire life. Noa coached me on how to clean up my gut, how to get rid of and reduce the toxic levels of acidosis in my body and how to properly detox those toxins out.

In return, I’ve gained way more than I could ever give back. Noa has poured out her heart and soul on this journey with me and the others in the groups that I’ve joined. She is a true angel on this earth. I believe many are called, but Noa has been chosen for this season to help shed light and bring natural healing to a dying and sick world. A true Pioneer and healer that from experience, is sharing the truth.

I could go on and on about ALL the many benefits of partnering with Noa on my healing journey, but I’ll end it by saying this, the knowledge I’ve gained, the regenerative and transformative health that I’ve gained, the mental clarity, the vitality and new found energy I’ve gained has been PRICELESS and I could never in a million years pay enough for all I’ve received in return.

I got my health back, I’m a completely different person, physically, mentally and spiritually. Thanks a MILLION Noa!”

—Pam Ravare

Practitioner: Zoë Rollman

This is a testimonial from a 32 year old female from the Netherlands.

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First of all, a big hug and thanks to you and your team! This is a testimonial from a 32 year old female from the Netherlands.

I came across your YouTube videos in 2016, got inspired and started adapting a raw vegan/fruitarian lifestyle. I also detoxed with help of your herbs. Not because of any so called diseases but because I wanted to clean myself up for the future.

Fast forward to 2022. I stopped birth control in September and became pregnant in October 2022. Not long after finding out I started bleeding, the doctors told me I had a miscarriage but it turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy. They had to remove my pregnancy surgically with my left fallopian tube.

Trying to conceive again after the operation was taking months, which made me worry whether or not I would become pregnant again. In July 2023 I started taking the female reproductive formula and in August I found out I was pregnant!

Not long after finding out I was experiencing frequent very painful urination, I thought of an UTI (I have a history of “catching” an UTI easily) but the test came back clear.

The doctor thought it was bacterial vaginosis, further tests showed it was an ureaplasma parvum infection/overgrowth. In the medical field they don’t really know how to treat this bacteria because it is resistant to a lot of antibiotics. But they do say that it can cause miscarriages and preterm birth, so that created some worries.

I wasn’t fond of taking and trying any antibiotics, especially being pregnant so I sent and email to the dr. Morse clinic. Kerri was happy to assist me and told me that I could take kidney & bladder 1, bone & connective tissue, endocrine and 1/2 dose parasite M. Which I ordered and took. Meanwhile I was also still taking a low dose of female reproductive during my pregnancy, I have read that it keeps the progesterone level well so I thought that wouldn’t hurt.

I stopped parasite M and the female reproductive a month prior to the due date (which was April the 24th). Stopping the parasite M before the due date is essential if you want to give breast milk to your baby.

I did not test again but the symptoms disappeared. I’m really thankful that you and your team were (quickly!) able to help in this situation cause I was in a lot of pain and worry.

On April 25th my son Odin was born. My placenta was big and healthy looking and he had a rather thick umbilical cord. He is growing above average on my breast milk, it is already a strong little guy!

I added a picture of him to this letter. Again, thanks! You can share this testimonial on a video. I hope it will help women, especially in pregnancy, that are being tested positive on ureaplasma and feel worried and hopeless. And that it takes away the possible fear women might have regarding taking these herbs during pregnancy (google doesn’t help), Odin turned out fine and healthy.

Warm regards,

—Zoë Rollman.

Practitioner: Jake Gallon

HSV2 Case

This case is an interesting one, for he didn't have much money and lives in a part of the world where he cannot obtain Dr. Morse's formulas. He managed to find a local herbalist to make up similar formulas for him, focusing on the main areas of elimination and the endocrine glands, much like Dr. Morse's formulas.

He followed my recommendations for the diet to the letter, and now he is HSV-2 free, which took him 3 months to clear.

We did a video together covering his experience and also showing the before and after tests indicating that he is HSV-2 negative. What a beautiful man and an amazing case.

His testimonial speaks for itself.

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I want to share my testimonial with everyone about working with Jake Gallon. I had a good experience when I followed Dr. Morse's protocol with Jake. I healed my HSV-2 with fruits and herbs; it was amazing. Jake Gallon is a good detox specialist, and I recommend everyone work with him.

Practitioner: Jake Gallon

Hair Regrowth Case

Estelle came to me in a very bad way. Her head was shaved due to advanced alopecia, and she was not a happy woman. She had tried all the diets - vegan, carnivore, and paleo - and she grew up vegetarian.

She was at a complete loss as to what to do, for she thought she had been healthy. Upon finding me, she had begun applying Arnold Ehret's principles to her lifestyle, but she saw that wasn't enough.

After consulting with me, doing her iris analysis, and making a full Dr. Morse herbal protocol, she immediately had hope, and I could see the gratitude and determination in her face.

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Jake is amazing to work with. He allayed all of my fears about transitioning to the diet and supported me every step through this paradigm shift that now makes complete sense!

He gave me such hope that my hair would grow back after I lost it to alopecia and explained the underlying cause to my swollen eyes.

Within days of starting the protocol my kidneys started to filter and after two weeks of being on the herbs I felt all of the excess lymph draining out of my head and rushing down my ears. It was incredible!

The next day was the first day to wake up in more than a year without swollen eyes. I am so grateful for Jake's generosity and support.

Within months my hair has grown back thicker than ever. I have also had the weakest nails for years with the biggest pits and ridges and this was the first thing I noticed that changed.

I highly recommend working with Jake no matter what issues you might be facing. I have lost weight effortlessly and am back to the size I was as a teenager after putting on 20kgs. My skin has turned silky smooth with no pimples for the first time in my life!

Practitioner: Jake Gallon

Cerebral Edema Case

Rebecca had been a raw foodist for 3 years already before finding me, but was focusing on green salads, fermented foods, and more complex raw gourmet, which only got her so far on her healing path.

We chatted on and off for a few weeks, each time pointing her in the direction of how fruits and herbs were the answer, and linking Dr. Morse videos whenever I could. She was open but asked many skeptical questions regarding fruit sugars, protein, etc., but was eager and excited to heal.

She was suffering from major bloating, acid reflux, brain fog, and cerebral edema from an accident that she had years prior.

She is now well on her way to wellville and has graduated from Dr. Morse's school. She wants to help those with neurological and brain issues.

She has no bloating, no acid reflux, and her brain fog and memory issues continue to improve. She looks unbelievably radiant. The power of fruits and herbs is incredible.

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Jake is a very helpful and knowledgeable detox specialist. I was already someone who had substantial knowledge of natural healing and alternative medicine but I still had some problems in my body despite being a raw foodist.

I didn't know how to overcome them and I was in the dark of what was causing them. But then I found rawgenerate!

Jake did an iris reading on me that gave me all the answers I was looking for. He explained what was the cause behind my mystery symptoms and also a plan on how to help me to heal them, a change in diet and also specific recommendation of herbs for areas of my body he could tell were weak from my eyes.

I now understand the path I must take to full wellness. No doctor or other health specialist was ever able to explain this to me. I am already feeling better. And am training in naturopathy myself! Would definitely recommend. Jake got my life back on its correct course.


International School of the Healing Arts