Rebecca Iadarola

Rebecca Iadarola

Rebecca Iadarola is a Reflexologist certified through the International Institute of Reflexology in Tampa, Florida, where she learned the foundations of the Ingham Method of Reflexology. She has also studied the use of essential oils and acupuncture meridians in conjunction with Reflexology.

After spending over 35 years as a corporate accountant, Rebecca was fortunate enough to be laid off from her corporate position and decided it was the right time to shift her energies and to follow her passion to become a healing energy practitioner. Reflexology has provided her with an opportunity to work on clients, family and friends and to share life changing information with them.

In 2022, she discovered the work of Dr. Robert Morse. After listening to many of his podcasts and reading one of his books, she believed that he understood how to help people heal themselves. In 2023, she embarked on Dr. Morse’s 16-week personalized protocol to improve her health. Once she completed the protocol, she experienced improved digestion, full body detoxification, a trimmed waistline and a deeper understanding of the power that each of us has to affect, overcome and heal our bodies. In 2024, Rebecca became a student at the international School of the Healing Arts and has completed the Level I course, Path of the Healer.

International School of the Healing Arts