About the International School of the Healing Arts
Robert S. Morse, N.D., D.Sc., I.D., M.H.
Since 1973, Dr. Robert Morse has owned and operated Natural Health Facilities, including health food stores, naturopathic clinics and herb companies (God’s Herbs, Nature’s Botanical Pharmacy, and Dr. Morse’s Cellular Botanicals).
Approaching 50 years of practice, his groundbreaking work and unparalleled tissue specific formulas have helped thousands overcome virtually any condition or serious illness; many of which mainstream medicine labels ‘incurable.’
Through his journey on this planet, Robert Morse has channeled his awareness of natural healing by teaching and applying his knowledge in many areas, which resulted in the birth of a true healer with credentials, certifications and diplomas in areas including Naturopathy, Biochemistry, Iridology and Herbalism, to name a few.
Dr. Morse was the first to bring this world the truth and more: complete understanding of the incredible lymphatic system.
Further, Dr. Morse introduced Lymphatic Iridology, giving practitioners a deeper understanding how the body truly works and how the iris exposes genetic weakness and lymphatic stagnation.
In 2000, Dr. Morse founded the International School of Detoxification and has since been teaching students around the world how to cure and regenerate anything!

International School
of the Healing Arts 2002
International School
of the Healing Arts 2006

International School
of the Healing Arts 2019
Dr. Morse is a member of the International Association of Naprapathic Physicians and the American Naturopathic Medical Association. In 1998 he was awarded an Honorary Degree from the Medical Association of Portugal, specifically for his work in Tissue Regeneration.
He is also an honorary member of ASPEMT (Associacao Profissional dos Especialistas da Medicina Tradicional—Portugal), along with his long-time personal friend Dr. Bernard Jensen, also a prolific advocate of living foods and known as the “Father of the Science of Iridology.”
Dr. Jensen has stated that Dr. Morse is the “world’s greatest healer.” Dr. Morse is known as a spiritual giant and guide among those who understand higher consciousness and the God Worlds. He has been teaching out of body traveling and how to wake up from the dream for over 50 years now.
In 2011, Dr. Morse broadcast his message on YouTube for the first time, which resulted in the birth of Dr. Morse’s YouTube Channel—which currently boasts a 168k+ strong subscriber following and more than 13.7 million views.